NYC 2022!

Sunday 3rd

10:30: Arrive Minneapolis

11:30: Lunch Due Foccaceria

12:00: Get Gummies

12:30: Arrive Hotel

1:30: James Hill House

3:00: Summit Ave Tour

4:00: Cathedral

5:00: Hotel

6:30: Dinner Red Rabbit

8:00: Grand Old Cremery

Monday 4th

7:30: Colossal Cafe

9:00: Tour Macalester 

11:00: Leave for Northfield 

12:00: Hogan Brothers

1:30: Tour Carelton

7:00: Arrive AirBnB

7:30: Pagliai’s

9:00: Ice Cream Dari Barn

Tuesday 5th

8:00: Betsy/Miles Bodos

7:30: Mike/Keira A&M Cafe

8:53: Betsy/Miles board train

9:00: Mike/Keira Grinnell Info Session

10:00: Mike/Keira Grinnell Tour

11:30: Keira Grinnell Interview

12:00: Mike/Keira Lunch Jay’s Deli

12:30: Leave Grinnell

1:30: Mike/Keira Arrive Cedar Rapids Airport

3:00: Betsy/Miles Arrive Penn Station

3:15: Betsy/Miles Buy Subway passes for the week

3:00: Mike/Keira Leave Cedar Rapids

3:45: Betsy/Miles Arrive Air BnB 26 Leroy St. NY

6:30: Betsy/Miles John’s of Bleecker 

8:00: Betsy/Miles Ice Cream Van Leeuwen

9:30: Mike/Keira Arrive JFK

10:30: Mike/Keira Arrive Air BnB

Wednesday 6th

8:30: Mike/Keira get subway passes

9:30: Kossars Bilays and Bagels

10:30: Walk Williamsburg Bridge

11:00: Williamsburg Walking Tour

1:00: Lunch Best Pizza

2:00: Subway to Bushwick

2:30: Bushwick Collective

4:00: Subway to Brooklyn Heights

5:00: Walk the Brooklyn Bridge to Manhattan 

6:00: Dinner in Chinatown Nom Wah Tea Parlor

8:00: Ice Cream Sam’s Fried Ice Cream

Thursday 7th

8:00: Bagels Bagel Bobs

10:30: MoMAMoma

10:30: Harry Potter Store

12:00: Subway to Queens

12:30: Lunch in Little Egypt Kabab Cafe

1:30: Subway to Flushing Meadows

2:00 Queens Museum

3:30 Flushing Meadows Park

4:30 Subway home

6:30 Leave for dinner

7:15: Dinner Lil’ Frankies

8:30: Ice Cream – Morgenstern’s

9:00: Drinks The Whitehorse Tavern

Friday 8th

8:30: Murray’s Bagels

9:30: Highline

10:30: Vessel

11:30: Wander the Village

12:30: Joe’s Pizza

3:30: Tenement Museum

5:30: Dinner Queen of Sheba

7:40: Arrive Carnegie Hall

9:30: Big Gay Ice Cream

10:30: Drink in the Village Rabbit Club NYC 

Saturday 9th

8:30: Hudson Bagels

9:30: Grand Central

10:30: The Morgan Library

12:00: Grab Lunch Murray’s Mac and Cheese  

1:00: Grab Italian sandwiches (Pisillo Panini) for the train

1:30: Arrive at Train Station

2:15: Depart Penn Station

8:45: Arrive Charlottesville